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             日期:2017-03-31     來源:耐馳    作者:CNCIA    瀏覽:259    










            Welcome to the Symposium2017

            Without colors,everyday life would be drab and boring.But today,colors are much more than the visual impression allows us to imagine.

            With the aid of paints and coatings and impact and non-impact inks,various functionalities are often presented simultaneously.

            Coatings serve to protect against corrosion,have an antistatic effect,are turned into simple,printed electronic components or indicate shelf life on packages of preserved products.When we‘re driving,reflective or luminescent elements show us the way.Glass coatings automatically provide UV protection and will even act as generators for solar energy in the future.

            Colors can completely change the visual appearance as well as the tactile properties of products.Materials are found in buildings today that look like marble,granite orwood,but are actually ceramic tiles.Functional coatings require the formulation of colored organic or inorganic pigments and preferably ecological solvents,binders and fillers.

            In the textiles sector,it is also required that they be anti-allergenic.In addition,mixing and dispersing machines,along with agitator bead mills of various designs,are required for the production of these dispersions.

            For development and quality assurance,the characterization of particle size,color intensity,transparency or gloss is essential.

            The Institute for Particle Technology(iPAT),the European Center for Dispersion Technologies(EZD),Malvern Instruments and NETZSCH-Feinmahltechnik GmbH invite you to attend on the Dispersion Days2017in Selb.

            During the Dispersion Days symposium,we would like to discuss various developments and trends as well as the needs for the practice of the future.The meeting should help bring experts in various fields from universities and colleges,institutes and industry closer together.




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